Wednesday, February 10, 2010


My mom, Karis and I went to walmart with hopes of getting me an ipod nano yesterday. When we got back to the electronics section we looked at all the nanos and the most manly colors they had were Orange and purple. I am so secure in my manliness that I brought the orange ipod up to the counter but my fashion consultant, aka karis, said to get a better color so I went back and got the purple one and brought it up to the counter. The nice lady rung it up, and karis said, "what are you thinking?" so I changed my mind again but it was already rung up. We had to wait for lady to take it off my mom's credit card. They took me to swim practice ipod-less. Oh, but don't cry, there is a good ending. When I got home, they had already gone to Target and gotten me a black 16 gb nano with a video cam, so it turned out pretty good for me.


•Karis Brown• said...

I do what I can!!

What would you do without me though? No really, what would you do?

I'm just teas'n! I know you have good taste! Just not as good as mine! ;D

Love you!!

Your Fashion Consultant,

Abigail said...

Yay! Congrats for you. :) i definitely think black is the better color. :) (good work, karis) :P


alyssa said...

Oh yea Karis told me. And quite frankly purple is sorta manly...i used to be my dads favorite color. But the Itouch is manly-er.(yep, not a word)

Jordyn Daniels said...

haha! Poor you... I know how Karis can be ;). I agree with Abby though... Black is SUCH a better color!


♥ Kimmi's Korner ♥ said...

Cason your ipod is so cool! I'm glad you didn't get the purple one! LOL! Love ya!


Abigail said...

I would definatly go with the black one! I'd get a black one or a white one.


Hunter J.L. Hardwick said...

WOW that's awesome. I didnt know that nanos came with cameras. How much was it?


alyssa said... still haven't done the tag...get a move on! :)

Isaac C. Hardwick said...

That is cool.

Anna said...
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